Saturday 9 March 2013


Some Important Unix Commands


head newfile
head -5 newfile
head -1 newfile | wc -c
vi 'ls -t | head -1'
head -c 512 newfile
head -c 1b newfile
head -c 2m newfile
Display top content of file
Display top 10 lines of file when used without argument
Display top 5 lines of file<newfile> when used without argument
To count the number of character present in first line.
To open the last modified file for editing.
To pick special no of character from file.
Print first 512 byte character
Print first 2 blocks (1 MB each)

tail -5
tail +10
tail -f 6_load.log
Display end of file
Display last 5 lines of file.
start dispplaying 10 line onward till the end.
Print the gworth of file
Prints the Process id of current shell

ps -f
ps -f -u a_cmdb
ps -a
ps -e

Prints the Processes associated with current user.
Prints the Processes associated with current user with their hierarchy.f stands for full.
Prints all the processes associated with a_cmdb user.
Prints all the users processes.
Prints system process.
prints all the ksh process running in the system by first searching for all the process.

ps -f
ps -f -u a_cmdb
ps -a
ps -e

Running job in background
Run the search job in background by printing its process id.Shell become the parent of all background process.
This command print all the jobs runnung in background with their sequence no of exceution.
Running fg will bring most recently started background process <LAST IN FIRST OUT>
First job will come into foreground.

nohup ps -eaf | grep 'ksh' &
Shell is parent of all background jobs and it dies when user logs out and ultimately all the child process also dies.To avoid dying of shell even when the user logs out run the background process using nohup command. 
System process init having PID as 1 is parent of all SHELL processes and when the user login this PID become the PPID of SHELL prrocess. Now after running the process in nohup mode kernel has reassigned the PPID of ps process with PID of system process which will not die even after SHELL dies through logging out.

kill 520
kill 640
kill 1
kill $!
kill 0

To kill the command.
Kill the process with 520 process id.
Kill the parent process id which inturn kill all the child process.
Killing system process init is not possible. A Process having process id as 1 is parent of all SHELL processes.
No need to remember Process id of last background procees its in $!
Kill all process in the system except login shell process.
$$ stores the PID of current login shell

nice who | wc - l &
nice -n 10 who | wc -l &
Running the command with low priority
Nice value range from 1 to 39, higher the nice value lower the priority.default nice value is 20.
nice value becomes 30.

at 2:10 load.ksh
To Run the job at specied time of the day.
Indicate the load.ksh will execute today by 2:10
batch load.ksh
batch command executes the process whenever the CPU is free.
cron executes process at regular intervals it keeps checking the control file at /user/spool/cron/crontabs for jobs.
finger a_cmdb
Produces list of all logged users when run without any argument. The 2nd and last field of output is taken fron passwd file from /etc directory. 
Prints details about a_cmdb user.

set 10 20 30
set the posional parameter.
This will set $1, $2, $3 , $* and $# posional parameter
When this statement is used at start of ksh script it echoes each statement at the terminal

shift 2
shift command transfer the contents of positional parameter to next lower number.
shift one position.
shift 2 places

chown jaspreet testfile
chown -R jaspreet testfile
To change the owner of file can only be done by owner or sys admin. 
change the owner from gagan to jaspreet for testfile. Now gagan cannot change the ownership of test file what he can do is just create the similar copy of file and then he can become the owner of file. 
Recursively changes the owner all files under current directory.

chgrp GTI test file
chgrp -R GTI test file
To change the group of file can only be done by owner or sys admin.
group changed to GTI from IB as user is still the same and he can again change the group of file to IB.
Recursively changes group all files under current directory.

touch 03161430 test file
touch -m 04161430 test file
touch -a 05161430 test file
Changing the time stamps of file
touch without any argument will change both modified time and access time.
Changes only modification time.
Changes only access time.
42.Linking in

ln 6_load.ksh 7_load.ksh
rm 6_load.ksh
Linking two file, doing this both the file will have same inode number and changes in one will reflect in another also. 
ls -li 6_load.ksh 7_load.ksh will give us same inode number. 
Drop the link between two files.

df -t /home/oracle
Prints the amount of free space available on the disc.
Prints the free and total space under oracle file system.

du -s
du -s /home/*
Prints the disk usage of specific directory tree.
By default du prints disk usage for each sub directory.
Prints summary of whole directory tree.
Prints disk usage for every user

Shell Scripting For Beginners

Shell Scripting For Beginners
Shell scripting can be defined as a group of commands executed in sequence. Let's start by describing the steps needed to write and execute a shell script:

Step 1: Open the file using an editor (e.g., "vi" or "pico".)
Step 2: All shell scripts should begin with "#!/bin/bash" or whatever other shell you prefer. This line is called the shebang, and although it looks like a comment, it's not: it notifies the shell of the interpreter to be used for the script. The provided path must be an absolute one (you can't just use "bash", for example), and the shebang must be located on the first line of the script without any preceding space.
Step 3: Write the code that you want to develop. Our first shell script will be the usual "Hello World" routine, which we'll place in a file called ''.
echo "Hello World"
Step 4:The next step is to make the script executable by using the "chmod" command.
chmod 744
chmod +x
Step 5: Execute the script. This can be done by entering the name of the script on the command line, preceded by its path. If it's in the current directory, this is very simple:
bash$ ./
Hello World
If you want to see the execution step-by-step - which is very useful for troubleshooting - then execute it with the '-x' ('expand arguments') option:
sh -x
+ echo 'Hello World'
Hello World
Category: Shell scripting
Shell scripting can be defined as a group of commands executed in sequence.
To see the contents of a script, you can use the 'cat' command or simply open the script in any text editor:
bash$ cat
echo Hello World
Comments in a Shell
In shell scripting, all lines beginning with # are comments.
# This is a comment line.
# This is another comment line.
You can also have comments that span multiple lines by using a colon and single quotes:
: 'This is a comment line.

Again, this is a comment line.

My God, this is yet another comment line.'
Note: This will not work if there is a single quote mark within the quoted contents.
As you may or may not know, variables are the most significant part of any programming language, be it Perl, C, or shell scripting. In the shell, variables are classified as either system variables or user-defined variables.
System Variables
System variables are defined and kept in the environment of the parent shell (the shell from which your script is launched.) They are also called environment variables. These variable names consist of capital letters, and can be seen by executing the 'set' command. Examples of system variables are PWD, HOME, USER, etc. The values of these system variables can be displayed individually by "echo"ing the system variables. E.g., echo $HOME will display the value stored in the system variable HOME.
When setting a system variable, be sure to use the "export" command to make it available to the child shells (any shells that are spawned from the current one, including scripts):
bash$ SCRIPT_PATH=/home/blessen/shellscript
bash$ export SCRIPT_PATH
Modern shells also allow doing all this in one pass:
bash$ export SCRIPT_PATH=/home/blessen/shellscript
User-Defined Variables
These are the variables that are normally used in scripting - ones that you don't want or need to make available to other programs. Their names cannot start with numbers, and are written using lower case letters and underscores by convention - e.g. 'define_tempval'.
When we assign a value to a variable, we write the variable name followed by '=' which is immediately followed by the value, e.g., define_tempval=blessen (note that there must not be any spaces around the equals sign.) Now, to use or display the value in define_tempval, we have to use the echo command and precede the variable name with a '$' sign, i.e.:
bash$ echo $define_tempval
The following script sets a variable named "username" and displays its content when executed.

echo "The username is $username"
Commandline Arguments
These are variables that contain the arguments to a script when it is run. These variables are accessed using $1, $2, ... $n, where $1 is the first command-line argument, $2 the second, etc. Arguments are delimited by spaces. $0 is the name of the script. The variable $# will display the number of command-line arguments supplied; this number is limited to 9 arguments in the older shells, and is practically unlimited in the modern ones.
Consider a script that will take two command-line arguments and display them. We'll call it '':

echo "The first variable is $1"
echo "The second variable is $2"
When I execute '' with command-line arguments like "blessen" and "lijoe", the output looks like this:
bash$ ./ blessen lijoe
The first variable is blessen
The second variable is lijoe
Exit status variable
This variable tells us if the last command executed was successful or not. It is represented by $?. A value of 0 means that the command was successful. Any other number means that the command was unsuccessful (although a few programs such as 'mail' use a non-zero return to indicate status rather than failure.) Thus, it is very useful in scripting.
To test this, create a file named "test", by running touch test . Then, "display" the content of the file:
bash$ cat test
Then, check the value of $?.
bash$ echo $?
The value is zero because the command was successful. Now try running 'cat' on a file that isn't there:
bash$ cat xyz1
bash$ echo $?
The value 1 shows that the above command was unsuccessful.
Scope of a Variable
I am sure most programmers have learned (and probably worked with) variables and the concept of scope (that is, a definition of where a variable has meaning.) In shell programming, we also use the scope of a variable for various programming tasks - although this is very rarely necessary, it can be a useful tool. In the shell, there are two types of scope: global and local. Local variables are defined by using a "local" tag preceding the variable name when it is defined; all other variables, except for those associated with function arguments, are global, and thus accessible from anywhere within the script. The script below demonstrates the differing scopes of a local variable and a global one:

    local local_var=100
    echo "local variable is $local_var"
    echo "global variable is $global_var"

echo "======================"
echo "=======outside ========"
echo "local variable outside function is $local_var"
echo "global variable outside function is $global_var"
Running the above produces the following output:
local variable is 100
global variable is blessen
=======outside ========
local variable outside function is
global variable outside function is blessen
Note the absence of any value for the local variable outside the function.
Input and Output in Shell Scripting
For accepting input from the keyboard, we use read. This command will read values typed from the keyboard, and assign each to the variable specified for it.
read <variable_name>
For output, we use the echo command.
echo "statement to be displayed"
Arithmetic Operations in Shell Scripting
Like other scripting languages, shell scripting also allows us to use arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. To use these, one uses a function calledexpr; e.g., "expr a + b" means 'add a and b'.
sum=`expr 12 + 20`
Similar syntax can be used for subtraction, division, and multiplication. There is another way to handle arithmetic operations; enclose the variables and the equation inside a square-bracket expression starting with a "$" sign. The syntax is
$[expression operation statement]
echo $[12 + 10]
[ Note that this syntax is not universal; e.g., it will fail in the Korn shell. The '$((...))' syntax is more shell-agnostic; better yet, on the general principle of "let the shell do what it does best and leave the rest to the standard toolkit", use a calculator program such as 'bc' or 'dc' and command substitution. Also, note that shell arithmetic is integer-only, while the above two methods have no such problem. -- Ben ]
Conditional Statements
Let's have some fun with a conditional statement like "if condition". Most of the time, we shell programmers have situations where we have to compare two variables, and then execute certain statements depending on the truth or falsity of the condition. So, in such cases, we have to use an "if" statement. The syntax is show below:
if [ conditional statement ]
         ... Any commands/statements ...
The script cited below will prompt for a username, and if the user name is "blessen", will display a message showing that I have successfully logged in. Otherwise it will display the message "wrong username".

echo "Enter your username:"
read username

if [ "$username" = "blessen" ]
         echo 'Success!!! You are now logged in.'
         echo 'Sorry, wrong username.'
Remember to always enclose the variable being tested in double quotes; not doing so will cause your script to fail due to incorrect syntax when the variable is empty. Also, the square brackets (which are an alias for the 'test' command) must have a space following the opening bracket and preceding the closing one.
Variable Comparison
In shell scripting we can perform variable comparison. If the values of variables to be compared are numerical, then you have to use these options:
-eq Equal to
-ne Not Equal to
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal to
-gt Greater than
-ge Greater then or equal to
If they are strings, then you have to use these options:
= Equal to
!= Not Equal to
< First string sorts before second
> First string sorts after second
The "for" Loop
The most commonly used loop is the "for" loop. In shell scripting, there are two types: one that is similar to C's "for" loop, and an iterator (list processing) loop.
Syntax for the first type of "for" loop (again, this type is only available in modern shells):
for ((initialization; condition; increment/decrement))

for (( i=1; $i <= 10; i++ ))
         echo $i
This will produce a list of numbers from 1 to 10. The syntax for the second, more widely-available, type of "for" loop is:
for <variable> in <list>
This script will read the contents of '/etc/group' and display each line, one at a time:

for i in `cat /etc/group`
         count=`expr "$count" + 1`
         echo "Line $count is being displayed"
         echo $i

echo "End of file"
Another example of the "for" loop uses "seq" to generate a sequence:

for i in `seq 1 5`
         echo $i
While Loop
The "while" loop is another useful loop used in all programming languages; it will continue to execute until the condition specified becomes false.
while [ condition ]
The following script assigns the value "1" to the variable num and adds one to the value of num each time it goes around the loop, as long as the value of num is less than 5.


while [$num -lt 5]; do num=$[$num + 1]; echo $num; done
Category: Programming
[Break] code into small chunks called functions, and call them by name in the main program. This approach helps in debugging, code re-usability, etc.
Select and Case Statement
Similar to the "switch/case" construct in C programming, the combination of "select" and "case" provides shell programmers with the same features. The "select" statement is not part of the "case" statement, but I've put the two of them together to illustrate how both can be used in programming.
Syntax of select:
select <variable> in <list>
Syntax of case:
case $<variable> in
         <option1>) statements ;;
         <option2>) statements ;;
         *) echo "Sorry, wrong option" ;;
The example below will explain the usage of select and case together, and display options involving a machine's services needing to be restarted. When the user selects a particular option, the script starts the corresponding service.

echo "***********************"
select opt in apache named sendmail
         case $opt in
                 apache) /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart;;
                 named)           /etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart;;
                 sendmail)        /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart;;
                 *)                        echo "Nothing will be restarted"
         echo "***********************"

         # If this break is not here, then we won't get a shell prompt.

[ Rather than using an explicit 'break' statement - which is not useful if you want to execute more than one of the presented options - it is much better to include 'Quit' as the last option in the select list, along with a matching case statement. -- Ben ]
In the modern world where all programmers use the OOP model for programming, even we shell programmers aren't far behind. We too can break our code into small chunks called functions, and call them by name in the main program. This approach helps in debugging, code re-usability, etc.
Syntax for "function" is:
<name of function> ()
{        # start of function
}        # end of function
Functions are invoked by citing their names in the main program, optionally followed by arguments. For example:

sumcalc ()
         sum=$[$1 + $2]

echo "Enter the first number:"
read num1
echo "Enter the second number:"
read num2

sumcalc $num1 $num2

echo "Output from function sumcalc: $sum"
Debugging Shell Scripts
Now and then, we need to debug our programs. To do so, we use the '-x' and '-v' options of the shell. The '-v' option produces verbose output. The '-x' option will expand each simple command, "for" command, "case" command, "select" command, or arithmetic "for" command, displaying the expanded value of PS4, followed by the command and its expanded arguments or associated word list. Try them in that order - they can be very helpful when you can't figure out the location of a problem in your script.