Monday, 24 December 2012

Transformation type.

AggregatorActive/ConnectedPerforms aggregate calculations.
ApplicationSourceQualifierActive/ConnectedRepresents therows that the Integration Service reads from an application, such as an ERP source, when it runs a session.
CustomActiveorPassive/ConnectedCalls a procedure in a shared library or DLL.
DataMaskingPassive/ConnectedReplaces sensitive production data with realistic test data for non-production environments.
ExpressionPassive/ConnectedCalculates a value.
ExternalProcedurePassive/ConnectedorUnconnectedCalls a procedure in a shared library or in the COM layer of Windows.
FilterActive/ConnectedFilters data.
HTTPPassive/ConnectedConnects to an HTTP server to read or update data.
InputPassive/ConnectedDefines mapplet input rows. Available in the Mapplet Designer
JavaActiveorPassive/ConnectedExecutes user logic coded in Java.The byte code for the user logic is stored in the repository
JoinerActive/ConnectedJoins data from different databases or flat file systems.
LookupActiveorPassive/ConnectedorUnconnectedLookup and return data from a flat file, relational table, view, or synonym.
NormalizerActive/ConnectedSource qualifier for COBOL sources. Can also use in the pipeline to normalize data from relational or flat file sources.
OutputPassive/ConnectedDefines mapplet output rows. Available in the Mapplet Designer.
RankActive/ConnectedLimits records to a top or bottom range.
RouterActive/ConnectedRoutes data into multiple transformations based on group conditions.
SequenceGeneratorPassive/ConnectedGenerates primary keys.
SorterActive/ConnectedSorts data based on a sort key.
SourceQualifierActive/ConnectedRepresents the rows that the Integration Service reads from a relational or flat file source when it runs a session.
SQLActiveorPassive/ConnectedExecutes SQL queries against a database.
StoredProcedurePassive/ConnectedorUnconnectedCalls a stored procedure.
TransactionControlActive/ConnectedDefines commit and rollback transactions.
UnionActive/ConnectedMerges data from different databases or flat file systems.
UnstructuredDataActiveorPassive/ConnectedTransforms data in unstructured and semi-structured formats.
UpdateStrategyActive/ConnectedDetermines whether to insert, delete, update, or reject rows.
XMLGeneratorActive/ConnectedReads data from one or more input ports and outputs XML through a single output port.
XMLParserActive/ConnectedReads XML from one input port and outputs data to one or more output ports.
XMLSourceQualifierActive/ConnectedRepresents the rows that the Integration Service reads from an XML source when it runs a session.

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